Mr. Green has boiled profitable long-term investing down to a 20-minute annual exercise. And his recommended portfolio beats the market in good AND bad times. (The proof is all there.) The portfolio will not only diversify you into stocks and bonds, it will diversify you among all the major asset classes - gold, U.S. stocks, Treasuries, foreign stocks, etc. - which, as he explains, is where the magic is. He'll show you how much (in percentage terms) of your nest egg to put in each asset... as well as the specific investment to buy to get exposure to each one. (You'll also cut your investment costs by a wide margin, which really adds up.)
I've read Graham's Intelligent Investor and Security Analysis - both classics, and incredible guides on managing risk. But The Gone Fishin' Portfolio, which also, incredibly, minimizes your risk and increases your total return, tells you specifically what to buy - something you just can't get out of the classics. (Green's investments will still work 40 years from now - a true "set and forget" portfolio.) I've ordered a copy for my God daughter AND my parents... and I'm recommending it to all of my friends who still think they can beat the market willy nilly. A must read, for sure.
The Gone Fishin' Portfolio
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