Healing the Addicted Brain

Healing the Addicted Brain is a breakthrough work that focuses on treating drug and alcohol addiction as a biological disease—based on the Recovery Science program that has helped thousands of patients defeat their addictions over the past 10 years. It combines the best behavioral addiction treatments with the latest scientific research into brain functions, providing tools and strategies designed to overcome the biological factors that cause addictive behavior along with proven treatments and medications.
Using this scientific approach, you will learn to conquer the physical factors that keep people tied to drug and alcohol addiction. The proven fact is addiction is not a moral failing or an issue of not having enough willpower. It is a disease of the brain that can and must be treated like other chronic medical illnesses.
CNN did a show on Saturday, April 18th; it was hosted by Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Dr. Gupta strongly confirms what Dr. Urschel states in his book and that is "addiction is a brain disease, it is a medical disease like hypertension, diabetes, etc. and should be treated accordingly. Unfortunately, most people do not know this and people who suffer from addiction don't know where to go for help. Dr. Urschel's book was an easy read and very educational. Not only does it help the addict, it portrays how imperative the family get support as well. Addiction is also a family disease.
This book was an excellent help to me in understanding what addiction is and how i can get help for my best friend who is struggling with Alcoholism. Before finding this book, I just did not know what to do, but Dr Urschel explains the important issues in how to get great addiction treatment very clearly. The book is easy to understand and to read. It has a lot of great exercises to help me understand the concepts better. It is even linked to an addiction website www.enterhealth.com which provides great information on other topics. After reading it, I bought several more copies to give to some of my other friends and their families that are dealing with the same issues.

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