Manifest Your Destiny

Anthony Robbins the famous motivational speaker states that people have a thermostat setting in their minds which is set at a specific success level. Anything lower and they scramble to get back to their setting, anything higher, and they tend to sabotage it.
Dr Dyer in this book takes a different approach. He mentions that people choose a path to enlightenment that is either suffering, goal setting, and the highest order, living on purpose. We overcome obstacles through our general approach to life through one of these approaches. Some through suffering realize enlightenment. Others approach life with goal setting. Hard work, climbing the tower, and they finally arrive. Finally the people who realize that their is a greater purpose for our lives, and get in touch with that reality. By living on purpose all things are added unto you. It is the ideal solution to our lives.
I remember seeing a bumble bee one summer, trying to escape to the outside world. Repeatedly hitting his head against the glass window. Flying toward the glass, hitting his head, staggering, recomposing, and heading toward the glass once again. Again and again, banging his head into the glass. I sat back from across the room and wished I could speak to the bee and share with him the information that only a few feet from the window was a wide open door. Through continual trying the bee could possibly exhaust himself to the floor, and maybe then see the opening to the door. Others may call upon their greater sense, or rely on their intuitive sense, or greater guidance, and find the simple solution without the suffering or goal achieving.
Are we living on purpose? Achieving our destiny? It may be time to stop and ask ourselves that question, and that is what this book is about.
I find Dr Dyer to an enlightened person. He draws upon the teachings of many spiritual masters. Transcending the standards that are often dictated to us by others. I have learned more lifetime truths from him, than from most any other author. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is steering their way through life. (Which is all of us.) I have never read a book by Dr. Dyer that was not an enlightening experience.
Highly recommended.

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