Let me begin by saying I'm a big Jillian fan. I listen to her weekly radio show and watch her faithfully on TBL. That being said, I'm not "gullible" enough to believe 100% of what anyone says without checking it out first. What's good about MYM is Jillian's frank discussion about the hormone disruptors we have injected into our daily lives. Kind of a scary wake up call. She ought to be commended for her attempt to take a rather scientifically complicated topic and trying to present it in a readable manner. This is NOT easy to do, and she does a pretty good job of it. People who complain about the book being "dry" because of the science aren't appreciating the efforts Jillian has taken to give her book credibility. Instead of making a bunch of wild generalizations, she is attempting to present the information in a responsible way. I would have like to have seen, however, more specific citations of the scientific studies she used to support her arguments. As it stands, there are too many vague references along the lines of, "One European study a few years ago suggested..." Such generalities don't allow for verification, to see if Jillian used the research properly and in its original context. I know that not everyone would be interested in this, but listing specific studies could help to establish the book's credibility in a more forceful manner. The citations could have unobtrusively been included as endnotes in the back. Personally, I don't know enough about the science and politics behind organic farming to know whether it's truly safer than conventional farming. On the surface, that claim sounds true, but I simply don't know enough to know whether or not it actually IS true. So it's an issue that I need to look into further. In spite of these slight criticisms, I definitely recommend Jillian's book. If all you get out of it is to cut out products that contain high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils (and don't be fooled by those labels that say "0 Trans Fats); read the ingredients!), enriched flour, and artificial sweeteners, then you'll be WAY ahead of the curve.