A-Rod: The Many Lives of Alex Rodriguez
The real story is about A-Rod. Roberts' painstaking investigative reporting of the highest-paid, most talented player in baseball over the course of nearly a year is revelatory. First, she broke the biggest story in sports by outing Rodriguez as a steroid cheat during the height of his career. With this book, she has filled in the narrative. "A-Rod: The Many Lives of Alex Rodriguez" is more than the salacious snippets reproduced in the New York tabloids, it is a study of a flawed hero searching for self. A-Rod, like many baseball stars, germinated in the steroid era, aided and abetted by self-interested father figures who pretended they could fill the hole left by the original. In many ways, Alex Rodriguez is the protagonist of a Greek tragedy. Roberts has provided the exposition; it's up to A-Rod to write his denouement.