Pavel is controversial. Some people love him and some hate him. Pavel's book really delivers results that other books don't! I have experienced gains in strength and flexiblity. If you can do a one legged squat while holding a 20-40lbs weight on your chest, then don't buy this book. If you want to be truly strong not just look strong BUY THIS BOOK! One reviewer suggested that you look up the 2 exercises on the net and start doing them. Well, if it were only that easy!! What Pavel offers is.....1# SERIOUS TIPS starting from couch potato strength to being able to do these very hard exercises. I go to a gym and the pro's(with exercise science degrees)there can't even do them. These exercises are tough really tough. My advice is stick with it, don't rush be patient, it will take a few months or maybe longer. Use the props like a box or bench to assist strength development. 2# He is able to communicate deep internal muscular control without sounding new agey. That alone makes this book very valuable, especially for the martial artist. For a martial artist doing Sanchin kata, T'ai Chi or Yoga ,you will be taken to a level that most teachers don't teach or don't know. 3# He also imparts many exercise science concepts into plain English. Which again is amazing since he is Russian. I have learned many concepts like proprioception, antagonist muscles and many others. Not only do you learn these terms but he teaches you how to directly apply them to your training. I have no time to sift through a scientific textbook to pull out these concepts. Maybe I am a slow learner but The large print and repetitive bullit points really help beat these concepts into your head. So I love the format of the book. One reason I decided to review this book was after 6 months of owning it I kept coming to reread it and marking it up with my pen. Pavel's whole philosophy towards exercise is NOT mindless repetitions of any exercise it is about increasing your sensitivity of learning. Getting stronger through Building skill. He does use his concepts over in other videos and book. His philosophy is widely applicable to many types of training thus extremely effective and efficient.