Power to the People isn't too thin for the money. It's simply concise. It doesn't fill its pages with useless information, it says exactly what needs to be said. This book serves as a primer into the ways of strength training. After you read this book you'll have a far greater understanding of how strength is achieved without having to wade your way through the mist and muck of conventional fitness wisdom. A great deal of what you'll find in this book goes against what you'd read in the fitness magazines, but I'll guarantee you that you'll get better results from these teachings IF YOU APPLY THE PRINCIPLES CORRECTLY. Let's be honest, how many people follow along with those convential programs only to be left too sore to enjoy life and frustrated that they can't make progress? Then they assume that they're genetically inferior and just stop trying. Too many people are after a one size fits all program to fit all their needs, and even though Pavel provides a few examples of simple but effective, the real magic is in the knowledge and insight you gain into the reality of productive strength training. In reality, the strongest people around are in agreement with Pavel's philosophy's on many key points. Take a look at Milo magazine or PowerliftingUSA sometime, or have a look at some of the writings of the old time strongmen who Pavel speaks so highly of. You'll recognize some of the same content. Power to the People gives you more than the content, though. It gives you a context to fit it all into. From personal experience I can say that the changes I have experienced in my life since I began applying Pavel's principles have been dramatic. I'm a great deal stronger, healthier, leaner (if you want to know how to lose fat the Pavelized way check out The Russian Kettlebell Challenge. I've lost about 80lbs since I started "Pavelizing" last July, most of my weightloss came after Kettlebells) and more athletic than I was a year ago. Although I have 5 of Pavel's books, and I refer to all of them often, this one is still my favorite. When friends ask me how they can get the results I've gotten, this is the first book I loan them. If you really want to be strong -really strong, not just "buff"- buy this book.